Difference Between DDR2 And DDR3 Ram

Yesterday I went to my laptop dealer to increase my RAM capacity as it is no more capable of bearing my load of Android experiments . Immideately I was shot a question from my dealer asking me weather I have a DDR2 RAM or DDR3 RAM . Since he is a very experienced dealer so he immideately figured out that my laptop has a DDR2 RAM .

 I was very uncomfortable during the whole process of upgrade as two questions were constantly boggling me : the first is - how the hell should I know what type of RAM is there in my system and the second question is - what is the difference between the two types. So I came back home and started figuring out the answers . The best way to learn is to keep asking questions to yourself and find answers .
So here I will answer those two questions. I felt this little information can increase the knowledge base of my readers.

How to figure out the type of RAM in your system ?

Well the question is simple and so is the answer(dont try to find it in BIOS) . If you have the catalog of your system then you can refer it to know your RAM type or you can go to your system's manufacturer website to find the answer .
But still the above suggestion will only give tell you weather you have DDR2 or DDR3 RAM in your system .
I was still not satisfied and went a step ahead.
Here is a nice piece of software that gives you details about every hardware installed on your system ranging from processor to RAM to graphics etc . It gives every detail about the hardware profile of your system . The software is called CPU-Z and it can be downloaded from HERE.

What is the difference between DDR2 and DDR3 RAM?

In late 2008, Intel released the first Core i7 processors. These processors were paired with a new motherboard chipset called X58. This chipset introduced the need for a new type of memory called DDR3.
In the last two years the entire industry has converted over to DDR3. All of Intel’s new processors can only be used with a motherboard that requires DDR3. Recent AMD motherboards are also changing over to DDR3.

The term “DDR” stands for Double Data Rate RAM. This term came into use at the turn of the century when the first Double Data Rate RAM modules arrived. Double Data Rate RAM was capable of two data transfers per clock cycle, giving it twice the theoretical peak bandwidth of previous SDRAM while running at the same clock speed.

DDR2 and DDR3 are improvements on the same technology and further increase the number of data transfers per clock cycle. DDR2 RAM provides 4 data transfers per cycle, while DDR3 increases the number to 8. Assuming a base clock speed of 100Mhz, DDR RAM will provide 1600 MB/s of Bandwidth, DDR2 provides 3200 MB/s, and DDR3 provides 6400 MB/s. More is always better!

Here is a table to distinguish the performance.


Transfer Speed400 – 800 Mbps800 – 1600 Mbps
Voltage1.8V +/- 0.1V1.5V +/- 0.075V
Internal Banks48
Prefetch4bits8 bits
TerminationLimitedAll DQ signals
TopologyConventional TFly-by
CAS Latency3 – 56 – 10
Thermal SensorNoYes (optional)

Source : JDEC standard specification.

However, purchasing DDR2 or DDR3 RAM isn’t usually a matter of preference. DDR2 and DDR3 RAM are not compatible. If your motherboard uses DDR2, you cannot upgrade to DDR3 without upgrading your motherboard. This means that if you currently own a computer with DDR2 RAM and you want to upgrade to a brand new processor and motherboard you have to throw your your perfectly good DDR2 RAM and buy new DDR3 RAM.
In case you have any quesries you can post here in the comments section.

How To Use G-mail Offlice | Use G-mail Offline With Chrome

Gmail Offline
Gmail is the popular free email sevice that allow us to send and receive emails. This email service is used by more than 400 million users and is second after Hotmail. We all use Gmail but we need to have internet connection to access our emails. In case, we do not have internet connection, we will not be able to access our emails and reply to emails. But Smartphone users having Gmail app have some advantage. They can access emails in Gmail app offline and also can reply the emails. Their actions will be performed when their device will go offline. This feature is not available for desktop users and most of the users ask for this. Actually, this feature is there but very few people know that they can access their emails offline and reply to mails offline by using a nice Google Chrome extension called Gmail Offline. 
To access your emails offline, install Gmail Offline extension in your Google CHrome browser. It will ask for the permission to offile mail storage.
To access your emails offline, open the new tab in Google Chrome and select Gmail Offline. 
First time, it will ask for the permission to store emails offline.

Click on Offline email and then continue. You will see a mobile like interface. This is Gmail offline for Google Chrome. It will allow you to access all your emails offline too.

Gmail Offline will automatically synchronize messages and queued actions when you will connect to internet again.

Add Gmail Offline to Google Chrome

In case you want to delete offline inbox of gmail, open chrome://settings/cookies and press Enter and delete all the cookies.
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What is a Proxy Server | Learn About proxy Server

Proxy Server : It is a server that sits between a client application, such as a Web browser, and a real server for which client requested. Proxy server is a computer that offers a computer network service to allow clients to make indirect network connections to other network services. It intercepts all requests from client to the real server to see if it can fulfill the requests itself. If not, it forwards the request to the real server.In some cases, the proxy may alter the client's request or the server's response for various purposes.

Proxy servers have two main purposes :

Improve Performance: Proxy servers can improve performance for users. This is because it saves the results of all requests for a certain amount of time. Next time if same request comes, it serves from the saved pages rather than the real server.

Filter Requests: Proxy servers can also be used to filter requests. FOr Ex: a company might use a proxy server to prevent its employees from accessing a specific set of Web sites.

Types of proxy serversYou may see different types of proxy servers :

Transparent Proxy or Caching :
This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server and also makes the original IP address available through the http headers. These are used for their ability to cache websites and do not effectively provide any anonymity to those who use them. However, the use of a transparent proxy will get you around simple IP bans. They are transparent in the terms that your IP address is exposed, not transparent in the terms that you do not know that you are using it.

Distorting Proxy :
This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server, but make an incorrect original IP address available through the http headers.

Anonymous Proxy :
This type of proxy server identifies itself as a proxy server, but does not make the original IP address available. This type of proxy server is detectable, but provides reasonable anonymity for most users.

High Anonymity Proxy :
This type of proxy server does not identify itself as a proxy server and does not make available the original IP address.

Reverse proxy :
A reverse proxy is another common form of a proxy server and is generally used to pass requests from the Internet, through a firewall to isolated, private networks. It is used to prevent Internet clients from having direct, unmonitored access to sensitive data residing on content servers on an isolated network, or intranet. If caching is enabled, a reverse proxy can also lessen network traffic by serving cached information rather than passing all requests to actual content servers.
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